Gray Hawk
Buteo plagiatus
Buteo plagiatus
Widespread and common in the tropics, this small hawk enters our area mainly in southeastern Arizona, where it is limited to cottonwood and
...Gray Hawk
Buteo plagiatus

Species Migration
This map is made possible by the generous contribution of hemispheric weekly distribution data from eBird at the Cornell Lab, and a variety of hemispheric data sources for conservation challenges. Learn more
Data Providers
Conservation Challenges
This map is made possible by the generous contribution of hemispheric weekly distribution data from eBird at the Cornell Lab, and a variety of hemispheric data sources for conservation challenges.
The following partners contributed to the development of this map.Data Sources
How to contribute data to the Migratory Bird Initiative
If you are interested in sharing your data with the Migratory Bird Initiative, contact us at
To request information about the Migratory Bird Initiative
Requests for data should be directed to the contributing data holder or organization. If you’re interested in something else, please contact us at
Map Layers
Conservation Challenges
See the footprint of select human activities and environmental changes across the hemisphere.